Penn State News: Behrend's Innovation Commons assists with development of new medical product

Penn State News: Behrend's Innovation Commons assists with development of new medical product

Thank you Penn State News for your Interview with Autumn Bridger, DO. Autumn is an Inventor, Entrepreneur, Physician, and Owner of comenityMED®. For full article, click here.

ERIE, Pa. — Dr. Autumn Bridger cares about the comfort of her patients, so it bothered her when a simple piece of equipment — the stirrups that support women’s feet during an exam — didn’t quite work.

“They didn’t fit right, or the angle wasn’t right, and they were cold,” said Bridger, a urologist. “Some doctors were covering them with socks, or even oven mitts. I thought, ‘There has to be a better way.'”

Bridger tried to find a better stirrup design. When she couldn’t, she made one herself, with help from students at Penn State Behrend’s Innovation Commons.

Her "Resilient Professional Foot Supports" are silicon stirrup covers that are slip-resistant and easy to clean. Bridger and her business partner, architect Brittany Luea, developed the prototype over a period of three years. They molded the first version with clay.

At the time, Bridger lived in Meadville. She brought the clay model to Behrend’s Innovation Commons, an open ideation and prototyping space where students guide innovators and entrepreneurs through the early stages of product development. The Innovation Commons staff has assisted with more than 200 projects, including 11 products that are now on store shelves.

“Autumn knew what she wanted to do, and we were able to get her through a barrier that was holding her back,” said Jake Marsh, industry relations coordinator at Penn State Behrend. He oversees the Innovation Commons lab.

Bridger met with Michael Paul, an electrical engineering major who worked in the lab. He used a handheld 3D scanner to copy the clay prototype and create a digital model that could be 3D printed. That process enabled Bridger and Luea to inexpensively test different iterations of the mold.

“That was the first 3D scanning we had done,” said Paul, who has since graduated. “It was my first introduction to that technology.”

Dr. Autumn Bridger developed a silicone stirrup cover for use during medical exams. The design was refined by students in the Innovation Commons lab at Penn State Behrend.

Bridger and Luea used the Innovation Commons data and prototypes to test the foot supports in exam rooms. As they refined the mold, they created a company, comenityMED, to sell the support covers.

“We couldn’t have done it as quickly, or as well, without the help we received from Innovation Commons,” said Bridger, who has relocated to her hometown of Boise, Idaho. “We owe a lot to them and their work.”

Want to read more? Click here for the full article.

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Meet Brittany Luea: Inventor, Entrepreneur, Architect, and Owner of ComenityMED, LLC

Meet Brittany Luea: Inventor, Entrepreneur, Architect, and Owner of ComenityMED, LLC

Thank you to TC’s Own Stylish Up North for your Q & A with co-founder Brittany Luea! Read full interview here.

Meet Brittany Luea: Inventor, entrepreneur, architect, and owner of ComenityMED, LLC

Brittany Luea is looking out for females across the country with her latest invention, silicone foot supports. Sounds glamorous, right! Well, she invented these foot pads to make your yearly woman’s visit a little bit more comfortable. Find out more about the details of her story and process in the interview below. In addition to her impressive professional endeavors, she is a wife, a mom, and a dog mom of two. She always makes time for yoga, loves to read, and is an avid volunteer in the community.

Brittany, what is your 30 second elevator story of who you are and what you do: I’m always fascinated by the question, “What do you do?” By trade, I’m an architect, but recently shifted gears to focus on co-founding comenityMED®, an innovative medical accessories company aimed at Pursuing Patient Comfort. comenityMED® manufactures patent pending Resilient® Professional Foot Supports for exam table stirrups that provide patient comfort and are easily sterilized between patients.

What makes you passionate about your product? I’m passionate about our product because it solves a simple but broad reaching problem in healthcare. Often times, medicine is not associated with comfort. Our products offer an alternative to traditional medical design that focus more on ergonomics. I love to make things and solve problems and by teaming up with a physician, we’re able to utilize our skills in medicine and design to provide innovative medical solutions.

How did you develop your idea? It’s kind of a funny story, but it all started with a simple dinner conversation. My friend, Autumn Bridger DO, shared an idea she had for exam table stirrup covers and we spent the evening brainstorming about materials and how it could work. I was excited that she wanted to team up with me to make it happen! Although it took a few years to bring it from concept to product, we knew that evening what we wanted it to be. We utilized 3d modeling and printing for a few of our prototypes, then eventually made a steel mold that we now use for our finished silicone products.

Want to read more? Click here for the full article.

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COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

comenityMED®’s COVID19 Update:

We have made adjustments to maintain continued operations for comenityMED, LLC which include website operations, order fulfillment, and shipment.

The following changes have been made to reduce risk of COVID19 exposure and remain compliant with the State of Michigan’s stay at home order. By taking these important steps, we are protecting the safety and wellness of our customers and our team:

1) We have designated one person as a critical infrastructure worker who will fulfill necessary tasks that are unable to be completed from home. This person is only going to the office when absolutely necessary.

2) We have adjusted the frequency of shipment dates from daily to biweekly in order to limit in-office work. This could mean short delays in receiving your product.

3) We will continue to use online ordering system at

4) When possible, we are utilizing pick-up services with shipping carriers to minimize in-person contact.

This will allow us to continue operations and remain open as a small business during these uncertain times. We appreciate your understanding and patience. As always, feel free to reach out to us at

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Cancer StrongHER Gentle Yoga

We are excited to team up with Yen Yoga and Fitness to sponsor our first Cancer StrongHER event in Traverse City, Michigan.

Finding our Strength through Mindful Movement and Meditation

A gentle yoga practice for female cancer survivors and their support friend or family member, guided by Leslie Simionescu.

Saturday, October 12
2 - 3pm

This class is free to attend. We recommend early registration since space is limited. Class takes place in Studio 2 at Yen Yoga & Fitness.

Click here to register.

A Note from Cancer StrongHER

An email note from Heidi Slansky, Founder and President/CEO of Cancer StrongHER:

“Brittany and Autumn, it was so wonderful having the opportunity to speak with you both this morning! I hope you know how much I appreciate what you are doing to help Cancer StrongHER reach more cancer survivors with active lifestyle programs.

As I’m sure you may have gathered by our conversation, helping cancer survivors find their way back to health, strength and a sense of wellbeing is truly my passion. There are so many reasons I created CSH that I didn’t have time to tell you about today, but I’m sure in time you will learn more about them. For example, numerous studies show cancer recurrence rates can be reduced through an active lifestyle. Giving survivors opportunities to regain a healthy, active lifestyle is one way to help them take back control in a situation that otherwise can feel out of your control. Offering the classes free-of-charge hopefully reduces the financial stress so many face after a cancer diagnosis.

Let me know availability for a follow-up call when you are ready. If there is anything else you need from me just let me know!”

What is FemTech and Why is it Important?

It is estimated that by 2025, FemTech will be a $50 Billion industry. You read that right, Billion with a B. So what’s all the hype about?

It is quite simple really. Women’s healthcare has long been a forgotten market. It’s a taboo of sorts, something that is rarely discussed yet irrevocably exists. Nearly half the population is women, that’s a pretty large market to overlook. Not until recent years have we seen products focused specifically on women’s health. But that is changing at record speed and comenityMED™ is learning to navigate the waters of this vast expanse.

FemTech is described as “a category of software, diagnostics, products, and services that use technology often to focus on women's health. This sector includes fertility solutions, period-tracking apps, pregnancy and nursing care, women's sexual wellness, and reproductive system health care”.

Already in the arena are some amazing brands such as Thinx underwear, Lola tampons, and Ava fertility trackers. This is a small sampling of the companies that are taking the industry by storm.

We manufacture Resilient™ Professional Foot Supports for medical exam table stirrups. We often hear, “Why hasn’t anybody thought of this?” While we share the same curiosity, we are not totally surprised.

Women for decades have been propped up into cold metal stirrups with little thought about physical or psychological comfort during a pelvic exam. It’s just a doctors visit, right? Wrong. Women absolutely care about the small comforts of stirrup covers. Doctors have used make-shift covers of socks and oven mitts for years, doing their best with what was available. But we’ve changed that. We’ve introduced a foot platform that cradles the foot with outstanding support, is slip resistant, easy to sterilize between patients, and provides a more professional appearance. They are silky smooth and come in fun colors.

But why does this matter? When patients feel comfortable at the doctor’s office, when the atmosphere is pleasant and welcoming, they are more likely to resist appointment anxiety and actually show up. And when you show up, you get the care you need. And when you get the care you need, you can go about your life.

We began comenityMED™ to improve patient comfort. As we evolve, we are excited to see how we can contribute and shape the future of women’s health technology, both at a conversational level and with the products we bring forth.

Blog post by Brittany Luea, Co-Founder of comenityMED™

Why do we go to the Gynecologist? Ideas to help make the Annual Exam a better experience.

Why do we go to the Gynecologist? Ideas to help make the Annual Exam a better experience.

If you’re like me, the moment you’re sitting in the Gynecologist’s office, you realize there are a million places you’d rather be. For me personally, I would rather be outside on a hot, humid day changing my 9 month old’s fourth blow out diaper of the day with my 2 older kids whining than sitting patiently in air conditioned 68 degrees quietly by myself waiting for my Annual. We’ve all been there.

So why do we go? I have been thinking about what motivates me to seek out a doctor. My health, the desire to be well, is rooted in the need to be there for my family. I don’t need to live my best life but I want to be there for my kids, every day. In one sense, that is my best life. So I go, and sit, and have my annual exam and IUD check.  

As of 2018, it is estimated that 50.8% of the 327 million people are women. 78% of women are over the age of 18 and likely to receive care during their lifetime. That is nearly 130 million women we’re talking about here. They are mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins in every city and town and we are all in this together. Women’s health is critical to the fabric of our communities. 

Here’s some ideas I have for helping make the Annual exam a better experience.

 - Ask questions! Come prepared with your questions. Write them down or make yourself a note in your phone. Even if you think it might be a little thing, please bring it up to your physician. You’ll get more out of the visit and not leave just in time to remember those 4 things you were worried about last week.

 - Bring a support person. A hand to hold or even a second set of eyes and ears can be immensely helpful. As a private person myself, I often feel I don’t want anyone to even know when I go to the doctor. I find that when decisions need to be made or you may be receiving a new diagnosis, the community that surrounds us has this amazing way of supporting and lifting us up. Just ask them, your loved ones want to be there for you. 

- Take that deep breath and try to relax. Your doctor wants what is best for you. They understand you are placing this enormous trust in them and their care. That is huge. Work together with your healthcare team and it truly takes care of a great deal of the bumps in the road that is our healthcare journey.

Autumn Bridger, DO is the CEO and co-founder of comenityMED, LLC, a company focused on pursuing patient comfort in Women’s Health.  We can be reached at  Check out our Resilient Professional Foot Supports at

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BRIGHT PINK Charity Selections

BRIGHT PINK Charity Selections

We are excited to announce our charity selections for BRIGHT PINK Resilient™ Professional Foot Supports! This year we will be donating $10 per pair for breast cancer awareness. We selected two charities this year, The Donna Foundation and Cancer StrongHER. Each charity will receive $5 per pair sold. We’re all about women’s health and we’re all in this together!

Please check out their websites to learn more:

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Right Foot Forward

Right Foot Forward

Right Foot Forward: Bringing Comfort to the Exam Table

We are delighted to be featured in the May/June issue of Grand Traverse Woman Magazine. To read the full article written by co-founder Brittany Luea, please click on the post title. Read along for an inside look at our initial conversation on patient comfort, our challenges, what inspires us, and where we’re at today. It has taken us nearly 3 years to bring Resilient™ Professional Foot Supports to market. We hope our story inspires you and that our product benefits women everywhere.

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Where It All Began

Our story began in sunny Southern California with a simple conversation about problem solving, but of course there is more to the story. Often as physicians (I’m a full time Urologist), Medicine has become an overwhelming marathon of office visits, chart completion, satisfaction surveys, interspersed with a pager going off. At heart, I like to fix things. Identify a problem, create the solution, and then complete the task. In my clinical practice, it was noticeable that patients’ feet fit poorly in the foot stirrups provided by medical exam tables. Cold, hard, and slippery - I’ve been there myself and I couldn’t help but think there has to be a better solution. So I went looking… and found socks, oven mitts, and vinyl sleeves used as covers. Some provided comfort, others sterilization options, but nothing provided a professional appearance offering support, comfort, durability, and sterilization needed to make an Improved Patient Experience.  

At a conference in 2016, I was talking with Brittany Luea about this problem. She is an Architect, Designer, and by the way, an amazing problem solver. It sounds funny, but as fate would have it, that conversation led to ideas, options, and ultimately the design of Resilient™ Professional Foot Supports. It launched us on the pathway of founding comenityMED. Our backgrounds are opposite - creative and concrete - however our vision in Pursuing Patient Comfort has been the roadmap for this incredible journey.

In 2019, we are excited to launch, attend our first conference as a vendor (ACOG 2019), and get started with changing the way we all view patient comfort.

- Autumn Bridger, DO