A Note from Cancer StrongHER

An email note from Heidi Slansky, Founder and President/CEO of Cancer StrongHER:

“Brittany and Autumn, it was so wonderful having the opportunity to speak with you both this morning! I hope you know how much I appreciate what you are doing to help Cancer StrongHER reach more cancer survivors with active lifestyle programs.

As I’m sure you may have gathered by our conversation, helping cancer survivors find their way back to health, strength and a sense of wellbeing is truly my passion. There are so many reasons I created CSH that I didn’t have time to tell you about today, but I’m sure in time you will learn more about them. For example, numerous studies show cancer recurrence rates can be reduced through an active lifestyle. Giving survivors opportunities to regain a healthy, active lifestyle is one way to help them take back control in a situation that otherwise can feel out of your control. Offering the classes free-of-charge hopefully reduces the financial stress so many face after a cancer diagnosis.

Let me know availability for a follow-up call when you are ready. If there is anything else you need from me just let me know!”